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4 Popular Parenting Book Recommendations

By Bill Mulcahy, Head of Lower School

If you’re anything like me, you often buy books and make plans to catch up on reading, only to find any and all free time consumed with work or shuttling your children to various afterschool activities. When you do have time, below are a few recommended books that address different parenting topics and are relevant for parents of school-aged children:

Voice Lessons for Parents: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Listen, by Wendy Mogel

In the book, Mogel, who wrote The Blessing of a Skinned Knee and many other critically acclaimed books, discusses the importance of the language you use with your children, and how a change in tone and demeanor can transform the relationship between parent and child.

Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence, by Daniel Siegel

In our increasingly connected world, with the myriad responsibilities that we balance, many of us struggle in different ways with feeling present and focused. In his book, Siegel brings up “The Wheel of Presence,” a meditation practice, rooted in science, that promotes a healthy brain and can help hone awareness, presence, and what he describes as “kind intention.

Small Animals: Parenting in the Age of Fear, by Kim Brooks

Although it can be tough for many of us to admit, modern parenting in many ways can be driven by fear. In her book, Brooks draws on a challenging experience that she had as a parent, and how it caused her to examine the “culture of fear” in american parenting.

The Power of Showing Up: How Parental Presence Shapes Who Our Kids Become and How Their Brains Get Wired, by Daniel Siegel

Drawing on the neuroscience mentioned in his book Aware, Siegel distills his ideas on being present into actionable ways for parents to be present for their children, and to understand and meet their social-emotional needs. The book has received considerable advanced praise.
(Note: this book does not come out until early January)