

People of Color in Independent Schools

People of Color in Independent Schools (POCIS) is an organization that supports Country Day’s key value and commitment to live as an authentic and inclusive community.

POCIS embraces the active, continual process of assessing and reassessing how the community can holistically evolve to become a more inclusive community. POCIS seeks opportunities to support and strengthen our community, ensuring full participation and inclusion for everyone. 

POCIS at Country Day

“We let parents know there is support as you navigate through the different facets of independent school life. ”DR. LISA TOPPIN, POCIS MEMBER

POCIS-Sponsored Events

POCIS-sponsored events include:

  • Annual Back-to-School Family Cookout—for all students, parents, and faculty and staff to kickoff the school year and celebrate multicultural awareness at Country Day.
  • Community Connection
  • Upper School Senior Showcase—to honor graduating seniors of POCIS families and students who support diversity, equity, and inclusion.

HOw to get involved

POCIS has Parents’ Association representatives at each division of the school who can answer your questions and share how you can get involved and support advancing diversity and inclusion at Country Day.

2022–23 POCIS Representatives

Chair: Brianna McRae
Past Chair: Angie Drakeford
Lower School Rep: Charisma Taylor
Middle School Rep: Dana French
Middle School Co-Rep: Esther Destin
Upper School Rep: Angie Drakeford
Upper School Co-Rep: Charles Horton

For questions or to request more information about POCIS, please contact the Office of Diversity Planning.


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