Name | Grade |
Laney Bentien | 10 |
Lily Charlesworth | 9 |
Luna Cosma | 12 |
London Cromartie-Patterson | 10 |
Claire Dehaenen | 11 |
Charlotte Feddersen | 11 |
Adeline Hernick | 10 |
Audrey Jones | 10 |
Katherine Little | 11 |
Peyton Little | 9 |
Kalaila Martin | 10 |
Zoe Nolan | 10 |
Zaria Reid | 12 |
Sanai Rouse | 12 |
Bridget Siesel | 12 |
Gabby Stemp | 12 |
Akansha Swamy | 12 |
Caroline Trojan | 9 |
Zoe Walenczyk | 9 |
Career Highlight: It was during my first year coaching at Country Day, at our first competition of the season. I wanted our girls to do their best after all their hard work. The team ended up coming out with a first-place trophy and a bid to nationals. Seeing my athletes so happy after their success was very rewarding.
Favorite quote: "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible." --Audrey Hepburn
Assistant Coach