Lower School
JK–Grade 4
The important first years of a child’s education form the foundation for future success in every aspect of life.
Country Day gives preschool aged through fourth grade students a balanced and challenging program where confidence, talent, friendship, and individuality flourish. Here, students become strong, independent thinkers, guided by expert teachers who encourage their natural curiosity and help them master essential skills.
Bill MulcahyHead of Lower School
I often think of how I want our children to be as they leave Lower School and go off to Middle School. I want them to be kind and empathetic in their interactions with their classmates and teachers. I want them to be equipped with the skills to be successful academically in a rigorous school program that requires critical thinking and problem solving. I want our students to be culturally competent members of our community who feel pride in who they are, and also feel an openness to learn from and appreciate the perspective and experience of others. I want our children to appreciate learning, to have developed academic and extracurricular passions in Lower School, and to be open to further growth and learning."
As a member of the Country Day Lower School community, each student:
- Helps build a class of compassionate, respectful, thoughtful students who value and learn from each other.
- Conducts hands-on experiments in a dedicated Lower School science laboratory.
- Learns healthy habits in our daily physical education program.
- Begins to study French and Spanish in junior kindergarten and kindergarten.
- Grows in confidence through public speaking, theatrical productions, and research presentations.
- Creates a welcoming environment and helps visitors and new students feel at home.
- Plays an active role in service projects that promote empathy, build personal efficacy, and foster community.
of students in grades 3 and 4 receive school-issued iPads.
Days a week students learn healthy habits in our physical education program.
Average number of books checked out in the Hance Lower School Learning Center during a school year.
of Lower School students begin to study French and Spanish in junior kindergarten to first grade.
the average number of Lower School students who visit the Design Lab each week.
Students participate in theater and learn how to perform on stage.
A Glimpse into Lower School
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