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Connecting Alumni, Strengthening Careers

Your Professional Network Starts Here.

The Alumni Association is honored and passionate about supporting each alum and former student beyond their time on campus at Country Day. We want to support you and your needs as you navigate the professional workforce. In whatever career phase you are in, we want to connect you with others within the Country Day community.

Complete the form below so we know how best to support you. If you have any questions or want to reach out directly, please contact Drew Witman, Director of Alumni Relations, at or call (704) 943-4544.

Alumni Network Inquiry


First Name
Maiden (optional)
Last Name
Class Year
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
How Can the Country Day Network Support You?requiredSelect one or more of the following networking inquiry options
Select one or more of the following networking inquiry options
Please write in your graduation year
Ex. Freshman year in college or first year of graduate school
Please select industry of interestrequired
Please let us know what you are looking for
List city or state you are interested in
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