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Please complete the form below to make a gift or payment to the 2024–25 Country Day Fund.


My Gift for Country Day

I would like to make a Country Day Fund:required
Intended Method of Payment:required
(i.e. ACH, Foundation, Employer Program)
Intended Timing of Payment:
(i.e. month)
Does your employer/organization offer a matching gift program?

Not sure? Click here to find out if your company has a Matching Gift Program.

(Amount the company will match)
(add your personal gift + matching gift amount)​​​​
Would you like to make a gift in honor/memory of a faculty member, coach, classmate, or current student(s)?required

Your Information

Your Namerequired
Prefix (optional)
First Name
Last Name
Suffix (optional)
Spouse Name (optional)
First Name
Last Name
Affiliation with Country Day: required(Check all that apply)
(Check all that apply)

Areas of Impact

Select the Areas of Impact that are most meaningful to you:

(Note: The Country Day Fund provides unrestricted support through the school's operating budget, which is allocated annually by the Board of Trustees. Funds raised during the current school year are budgeted for the following year)​​​.​​​

All gifts must be received by June 30, 2025, in order for you to receive credit for the 2024–25 Country Day Fund. Please notify Robin Furr, gift processing specialist, at (704) 943-4538 before transferring stock, and allow two weeks for processing.

Payment Information

Please complete captcha below to proceed to payment selection.

Please select a payment typerequired
Billing Addressrequired
Cardholder Namerequired

Pay with PayPal

You can also pay using the PayPal app by clicking "More-," "Donate to a Cause," and search Charlotte Country Day School. 


If you have questions or require assistance, please contact:

Robin Furr
Gift Processing Specialist
(704) 943-4538 | E-mail

Leighann Swanson
Director of the Country Day Fund
(704) 943-4543 | E-mail

Katharine Atkins
Director of Advancement
(704) 943-4545 | E-mail

Don't Forget About Matching Gifts

Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. Your gift to Country Day may be doubled or possibly tripled! Learn more about Matching Gifts.