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The Country Day Fund is the school's number one fundraising priority each year because it provides critical, unrestricted support to our operating budget, impacting every student every day. Annual giving dollars allow our school to be nimble and responsive to changing needs and demands.

Make a Country Day Fund Gift

CDF 5% Operating Budget

At Country Day, tuition only covers 80–85% of the cost per student each year. A significant percentage of our operating budget is spent on retaining and supporting the highest quality of faculty and staff. We are committed to minimizing tuition increases while continuing to offer every student an excellent education. Broad community participation is vital for the health of the school, and all community members are invited to invest in the success and life of our school with a gift to the Country Day Fund. Community members are invited to share an area of the Country Day education they would most like to impact with their support. Funds raised during the current school year are budgeted for the following school year.

Country Day Fund: Areas of impact

Recognition Levels

We are deeply grateful for the philanthropic generosity that sustains our school. We established levels to recognize and honor donors who make generous gifts to the Country Day Fund each year.


If you have questions about the Country Day Fund or would like to volunteer, please contact:
Leighann Swanson
Director of the Country Day Fund
(704) 943-4543 | E-mail

Thank You to our Volunteers!

Our fundraising philosophy is based on respect for our families, transparency, and a very sincere need. We have worked to improve our fundraising strategies based on these principles, while still ensuring that we solicit the funding necessary to continue to provide our faculty and staff with training and tools to maximize their skills and to provide new opportunities for growth and learning for our students.