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Tsunami Relief

Tsunami Relief

The stories of devastating destruction and human heartache surrounding the December 26, 2004 tsunami in Indonesia touched the Country Day community in very real and personal ways. Within days of the disaster, Country Day students quickly organized an all-school, student-run car wash to aid children affected by the tsunami. 

The first day school resumed after holiday break, Country Day student leaders gathered to discuss how they could best help the tsunami victims. Country Day clubs, classrooms, and advisories quickly stepped up to support others in need. 

"We felt we could be much more effective by developing a schoolwide fundraising effort, rather than lots of fragmented projects," explained Upper School student body president George Hodgin. "We also wanted to do something that would include students from every division and that involved real effort on our part, not just asking parents for money."

Their idea was to hold a car wash and lemonade stand on January 8, 2005, with the proceeds directed to UNICEF. With just a few days to plan the event and get the word out, the students were phenomenally successful, raising more than $41,137!

Hundreds of students gathered in front of the Lower School with hoses, wash buckets, soap, and sponges in hand. As the cars lined up, teens and youngsters worked together to clean the vehicles at a rate of about 51 cars an hour. After seven hours of washing, they cleaned 351 vehicles in exchange for donations. Meanwhile, fourth graders also sold lemonade and homemade cookies.