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Flashback to 1960: Magazine ad Promotes how Country Day Prepares Students for College

Moore Family

Flashback to 1960: A magazine ad promotes how Charlotte Country Day School prepares students for college. 

Country Day parent Brandon Grier sent us a school advertisement from 1960. His father-in-law, Herman Moore III '71 (deceased), is the little boy in the middle of the photo. Much has changed in the six decades since Herman's time at Country Day, as well as through that of his three children who are Country Day graduates (Aubrey Moore Grier '96, Ellen M. Moore ’02Anna Bett Moore Weatherford ’04) and two grandchildren (Rush Grier '23 and Elle Grier '27). While the school continues to evolve in ways that reflect current times, what has remained constant is our promise to make every student Country Day Ready!