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School Seal

School Seal

Our school seal was designed by Mrs. James Hunt and introduced in 1960. The school motto, fortitudine ac pietate (with strength and piety), was provided by Headmaster Booker.

For our 50th anniversary in 1991, the seal evolved with a fresher look, but the acorn element has always remained constant.

Country Day Seal

Our seal was redesigned in 1991

An acorn only appears on a fully mature oak tree; therefore, it is considered a symbol of the patience needed to attain goals over a long period of time. It represents perseverance and hard work. Just as it takes water, sun, and air for an acorn to grow into a strong tree, it takes the care and commitment of dedicated teachers, coaches, and parents over many years to help our students grow into fine young adults. The acorn embodies the intentional way in which our students are Country Day Ready.