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Cannon Campus Opened

Cannon Campus in 1960

After a gift of 30 acres of land on Carmel Road is donated by Angelia and James J. Harris, the school’s two governing boards approve the construction of a new campus to house the school. In November 1959, construction begins immediately.

In September 1960, the school opens at the new location on Carmel Road, the present site of Cannon Campus (which was named in 1982 in honor of James Cannon, a former chairman of the board and longtime benefactor of the school). Six buildings are complete on the modern campus:

  • Bray Hall for Lower School
  • Pell Hall for Upper School
  • Martin L. Cannon Science Building
  • Harris Gymnasium
  • Barnhardt Administration Building
  • Sanger Cafeteria

Continued Campus Growth

  • In 1964, Cramer Hall is completed for $150,000 and named for Stuart Cramer, an early benefactor. This building originally houses the music and arts program.
  • Katherine McKay Belk Hall is completed in the winter of 1967 to accommodate the quickly expanding Lower School. Kindergarten and first grade classes were held at St. John’s Episcopal Church until the building was finished.
  • A new kindergarten classroom building is completed in September 1980 to accommodate the growing student body. It is dedicated to the Rush S. Dickson family for their decades of commitment to the school.

The land around Carmel and Fairview roads is not yet developed. It truly is a school in the country in 1960!